Dance appropriate attire is required for the safety of all dancer. NO jeans at anytime.
- Hip Hop/Tumble Combo: Clean sneakers for hip hop, barefoot for acro. Leggings/spandex, form fitting tank top/t-shirt are all appropriate attire options.
- 6 and Under Jazz/Tap/Ballet Combo: Your favorite leotard and tights (shorts or skirts are appropriate to wear over leos)! Ballet shoes and tap shoes.
- 7-9 Jazz/Tap/Ballet Combo: Form fitting attire (tank top, t-shirt, leggings, spandex, etc.) with ballet shoes, tap shoes, and pirouettes. Leotard and tights are optional for this class.
- Ballet 1/2/3/Pointe: Tights and ballet shoes required. Leotard/skirt/spandex shorts or spandex shorts/form fitting top are appropriate. No baggy attire. Hair must be pulled back into a bun.
- 9+ Jazz/Lyrical/Contemporary: Form fitting attire is best. Pirouettes for shoes.
- 9+ Hip Hop: Loose fitting clothing is acceptable! Jeans are never acceptable. Please have a different pair of sneakers designated for hip hop -- you should not dance on the marley flooring in the shoes you wore in the parking lot.
- Acro: Form fitting attire. No shoes - barefoot.
- Stretch & Strength: Form fitting, workout style attire. No shoes - barefoot.
- Leaps & Turns: Pirouettes required.